Mangalorean Recipes

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Prawns Baked

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
18 Large Prawns Clean and sheel prawns
3 Medium Chillies Red Dry For grinding
1 Teaspoon Jeera (Cumin Seeds) For grinding
1 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder For grinding
  Little Tamarind For grinding
1/2 Kilogram Potatoes Boil, peel and make round slices
2 Medium Onions For mincing
2 Medium Tomatoes For mincing
3 Medium Chillies Green For mincing
1 Inch Ginger (Adhrak) For mincing
  Few Mint Leaves (Pudina) For mincing
  Few Coriander Leaves (Kothmeer) For mincing
2 Nos. Eggs Spread beaten egg on prawns
  As Required Salt to taste


Clean and shell the prawns. On the back part of the prawn, there is a black vein, which should be removed. Grind the masala, and coat the prawns with it. 

Boil, peel and make thin circular slices of the potatoes. 

Mince the green masala and slightly brown it in hot ghee in a frying pan.. 

Brush one spoon ghee on the inside of a flat oven-proof dish then arrange the prawns in it, and garnish it with minced green masala. Pour over it half cup masala water, then place potato slices, lastly spread the beaten egg over the potato slices. Bake in a microwave oven till it is brown and cooked..

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