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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Desserts Vanilla Ice-cream

Vanilla Ice-cream

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
4 Nos. Egg Yolks beat until thick and lemon colored
1/2 Teacup Sugar, Granulated beat until thick and lemon colored
1 Teacup Milk Slowly bring milk just to a gentle simme
1 Teacup Milk Cream (Malai) When the custard base is cold, stir in the heavy cream and vanilla essence.
2 Teaspoon Vanilla Essence When the custard base is cold, stir in the heavy cream and vanilla essence.
  As Required Ice Cubes  
  As Required Salt - crystals  


In a medium-size bowl, add the egg yolks and sugar; beat until thick and lemon colored; set aside.

In a small heavy saucepan over low to medium-low heat, add milk. Slowly bring milk just to a gentle simmer or until it begins to bubble around the edges (do not let the mixture boil). Remove from heat.

Gradually stir hot milk into beaten egg/sugar mixture with a wire whisk. Pour mixture back into the saucepan. Over low heat, stirring constantly, heat until the mixture (custard) thickens and will coat the back of a metal spoon with a thin film.  Do not let the mixture boil or it will curdle. If, of course by accident, your custard base does curdle, immediately remove from heat and place in a blender and process until smooth.

Once the custard is cool, cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 1 hour  
Cool quickly by setting pan in ice or cold water and stirring for a few minutes. Using the ice water method, the mixture will cool in about 15 minutes.
This is the custard base.   
Place mixture back in the refrigerator for at least 4 hour, but ideally for 24 hours.

When the custard base is cold, stir in the heavy cream and vanilla essence.   Stir or whisk just until mixture is well combined. If you want to add any extra additions (fresh or dried fruit, candies or confections, nuts, or alcohol), now is the time.  The ice cream is now ready for the freezing process.

Transfer the mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Either churn your ice cream by hand or by motor.


Using salt and ice - The freezing procedure has a two-fold purpose, the removal of heat from the mix and the incorporation of air into the mix. Heat is removed by conduction through the metal to the salt-water brine surrounding the freezing can. To help the ice cream mixture to freeze, the container holding the mixture is surrounded ice and rock salt. If you use too much salt, the mixture will freeze too quickly and will not be smooth. If you use too little salt, the ice cream might not even freeze. Unless your ice cream recipe says otherwise, use 1/2 cup rock salt to 4 cups crushed ice.

When the ice cream is done, either serve and enjoy or transfer to freezer containers and freeze until firmer. NOTE: Freshly made ice cream will be soft. To freeze, put in an airtight plastic container and place in the freezer for at least an hour, preferably several hours or overnight.

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