Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music St. Cecilia's Hymnal Faithful Cross - Veneration of the Cross. Good Friday.

Faithful Cross - Veneration of the Cross. Good Friday.

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  for Lent


There are two Choral Parts, each is followed by Gregorian Chant - the ancient music of the Church. ; The verses alternate.

Faithful Cross above all other, one and only noble tree.
None in foliage, none in blossom, none in fruit, Thy peer may be.


Gregorian Chant: (Pange Lingua)


1. Sing my tongue the glorious battle, sing the ending of the fray. now above the cross the trophy sound the loud triumphant lay, tell how Christ the world's Redeemer, as a Victim won the day.


Dearest Wood, and Dearest Iron, Dearest Weight is hung on thee.
Gregorian Chant: (Pange Lingua)
2. God in pity, saw man fallen, shamed and sunk in misery, when he fell on death by tasting, fruit of the forbidden tree. then another tree was chosen, which the world from death should free.



Take words from the Roman Missal.


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