Mangalorean Recipes

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Aghe Nari

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Aghe Nari (Hanv Saiba Poltodi Vetan)

(See below, the  flowers of Goa, mentioned in this song, )

Aghe Nari  thujiya nakanthe nothi, payasori - 2
Hathanth ghalun kankunna, payanthe paizona - 2
Soi, soi, soi, soyare, soyare,amhi dekni nachonyia. - 2

Hanv Saiba poltodi ventan
Dhamolia lagnake vetan,
Makha saiba vate dakhoi, - 2
Maka saiba vate kollona - 2

Dhamolia matevanthe kolvonthanso khelvo - 2
Agha mujia Taria Mama, - 2
Mhaka voron pavoi Sirodia, ai Sirodia. - 2

Ghe, ghe ghe ghe ghe, ghere saibha - Maka Naka Go, Maka Na ka go - 2
Hin mujia nakanthnthlin nothin, ghere saiba,
Maka naka go, - 2
Hia mujia paianthin paizona, ghere saiba
Maka Naka go - 2
Hia mujia phulancho pormole, ghere saiba
Maka Naka go - 2

Voilia voilia dhongrare, ubtahe khongre
Ubthate khongre zaliayre, thalvere mhogre - 2

Ghe, ghe ghe ghe ghe ghere saiba
Maka Naka go - 2

Shivthin, mogrin, abolim,
Mathenbore maltholin,
Mujia novriake, vochun go,

Words contributed by Mr. A. Britto.

I have recollected the music, which I heard in my teens, and it may be a little different from the original, for which I offer my apologies.    If you have an original mp3 file, please send it to me, so that I can correct the music.

Walter Pais
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Download the music - click here

Flowers of Goa and west coast of India:

Jasmine, Mogra and Abolim (crossandra)


Jasmine flower



Mogra Flower


Abolim (Crossandra)


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