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Home Catholic Church Music Lent/Easter Lord do you wash my feet? - Holy Thursday

Lord do you wash my feet? - Holy Thursday

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On this day, about 2000 years ago, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and said to them this:

St. Peter his chief Apostle said, what we sing in the refrain.


Dust laden feet so caring cleansed

passover meal consumed

fresh covenant in Eucharist gift

prayers made and promises

to loving friends, not servants now

commandment new he gives:

“Wash feet in service, heal, forgive

as I have done for you.”



"Let us go forth… outside through night

to light of Father’s bid".



In garden crushed breaks out the sweat

of frail and human form

surrender plea: "If possible...

but yet – your will be done.


My Father let this chalice pass

but yes - your will be done..!"


                                                terryq: March,2013

Refrain: Lord do you wash my feet? Do you wash my feet? Lord do you wash, Lord do you wash, Lord do you wash my feet?
1. The Lord Jesus, when he had eaten with his disciples, poured water into a basin, and began to wash the feet, saying: "this example I give you."
Refrain: Lord do you wash my feet? Do you wash my feet? Lord do you wash, Lord do you wash, Lord do you wash my feet?
2. Jesus said to him, 'if I do not wash your feet, you can have no part in me" so he came to Simon Peter, who said to him.
Refrain: Lord do you wash my feet? Do you wash my feet? Lord do you wash, Lord do you wash, Lord do you wash my feet?
3. "Now you do not understand, now you do not understand, what I'm doing, but later, you will understand"
Refrain: Lord wash my feet, Lord wash, my hands, my head, Lord make me whole, Lord make me whole, Lord make me whole again.

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