FSA e-News published and available online
Tuesday 25 May 2010

The latest FSA e-News, the Agency’s monthly newsletter, has been published and is available online. The May edition – delayed because of the General Election – contains stories with a UK and international significance, as well as highlights of activities carried out by FSA Northern Ireland and FSA Scotland.
On the UK front, there’s a report on how the UK’s ‘salt sellers’ – including major manufacturers and high street retailers – are making progress towards meeting the FSA’s salt reduction targets for 2010 and 2012.
There’s also coverage of the two-day conference for food analysts held by the Government Chemist, and sponsored by the FSA, to network knowledge of the latest tools and techniques available in the fight to protect the authenticity of food.
On the international front, there's another conference report – this time highlighting the efforts being made in many countries to tackle campylobacter, which is the most common bacterial cause of food poisoning in the UK. The conference, which was held in London and attracted about 90 delegates, was organised by the Agency.
In Northern Ireland, the FSA has announced the winner of its sixth form ‘ultimate survivor’ competition, and in Scotland, the FSA Director has been getting his feet wet finding our more about shellfish monitoring and fish sampling.
A research section rounds off the content of the May edition of FSA e-News with a report from the Agency’s Social Science Research Committee.
If you would like to get the Agency’s electronic newsletter sent direct to your computer every month, click here to register.
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