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Home Catholic Church Music Masses Glory to God our Heavenly King

Glory to God our Heavenly King

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Music and Words: Walter J. Pais

Glory to God our Heavenly King
Let our praise fill the firmament
Praise Him all people on earth below
Join Angels' choir adoring His Name.

Voices of worship  to Him now raise
Giving Him thanks and praise in one,
Knowing that He is our Mighty God
Lamb who was slain now at His right hand.

Lamb of our God, O Jesus The Christ,
You are the Mighty, Holy One
we plead, receive our most humble prayer
Show us your Love, your life with us share.

Glory and praise we to our God raise
Living in splendor with His  Son
One with the Spirit the Holy One
Laud without ceasing our Gracious King

(adaptation of Gloria in excelsis Deo)

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