Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music Our Lady Come Ye Children of Mary

Come Ye Children of Mary

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Come ye children of Mary,
Sing with hearts light and gay,
Hail to the month of Our Lady !
Hail to the sweet month of May !
1.What are the fading flowers,
All the lilies that grow.
Nothing worthy of Mary,
Has the earth to bestow;
Mary asks for a treasure,
One that each can impart;
Hear and grant her petition,
‘Sinner, give me thy heart’. (Refrain) 

2. Fairest star of the morning,
Cheer our hearts with thy light;
Pierce the cloud that hangs o’er us,
In this region of night;
Light our path o’er life’s ocean,
Guide us save on our way;
Hear the prayer of thy clients,
In thy own month of May. (Refrain)


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