MP3 Listen -
Undir Mhojea Mama
Undir Mhojea Mama) Hanv sangtam tuka ) twice Mazorichea pila lagin) Khell manddinaka ) twiceUndir Mamu ailo Meza ponda liplo 2 Mazorichea pilan taka Eka ghansa (dhorlo)/kailo 2 - The words dhorlo or kailo can be substitued. Goan book shows dhorlo.
Veu mhunnun katrun Veech khaddlem xirem 2 Khedem vhoddlem bhirem Amchea undra mamachen 2
Konddo mhunnun katrun Konddeach kadli tenkddi 2 Kedi vholddli xempddi Amchea undra mamachi. 2
Ambo mhunnum katrun Ambeach khaddlem follem 2 Kedem vhoddlem moddem Amcha undra mamachen 2
(My apologies for the spelling mistakes.)
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