Mangalorean Recipes

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Undra Mojea Mama

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Undir Mhojea Mama

Undir Mhojea Mama)
Hanv sangtam tuka  )   twice
Mazorichea pila lagin)
Khell manddinaka      ) twice

Undir Mamu ailo
Meza ponda liplo    2
Mazorichea pilan taka
Eka ghansa (dhorlo)/kailo  2   - 
The words dhorlo or kailo can be substitued.  Goan book shows dhorlo.

Veu mhunnun katrun
Veech khaddlem xirem  2
Khedem vhoddlem bhirem
Amchea undra mamachen  2

Konddo mhunnun katrun
Konddeach kadli tenkddi  2
Kedi vholddli xempddi
Amchea undra mamachi.  2

Ambo mhunnum katrun
Ambeach khaddlem follem  2
Kedem vhoddlem moddem
Amcha undra mamachen  2

(My apologies for the spelling mistakes.)

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