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Home Music Study Notation Exercises for Singers Kodaly Book 1 - Study of Music Notation

Kodaly Book 1 - Study of Music Notation

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This is a resource for those who are anxious to learn how to read music notation, and use it to write their own compositions, on software that is available for download.  In this category, you are given a number of lessons by following which you can learn sight reading easily.

Singing is something that comes naturally to people   -   the style may be different, but it boils down to the same thing.   We use sounds of different pitches and durations to form our songs.   Since we use, the sound, duration and lyric together, various methods of notation have been evolved.   Presence of harmony and orchestration, where different instruments play same sounds, of different but matching sounds, require a different approach.   Thus the western notation method thus far, as proved the most useful tool, for this purpose.   It is also important to read the music of previous ages, written in this same method.   If one does not know this all the music written by the classical masters goes beyond the reach of the enthusiast.

For the first lesson, click here:  Kodaly Book 1

Standard Notation for Treble and Bass.  Can be used by Keyboard players as well as Singers.  The singers should use the Do Re Mi name set.   Use it in conjunction with the Section 1 of the Text Book.

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