Opening up retail will help growth, curb inflation: RBI
growth story is still "credible" and the move to open up the economy to
global supermarket chains will help growth and control inflation, says
RBI governor.
I found the following reply very sensible, and so I reproduce it for the benefit of my visitors.
Sudhir Karnik (Pali Hill , Mumbai)
1 hr ago (10:21 PM)
any of you been to the farmers markets in the Rural areas ? The farmer
gets paid Rs 2/- Kg. of Tomatoes when the retail price in Mumbai is 40-
45 /-
Rs 0.5 /- Kg. for potatoes and Onions , Mumbai retail = Rs15-20/-
Where is this Rural market ? One of the largest in Maharashtra is in
Chakan which I have quoted as an example for live prices , ONLY 140
Kms. from Bombay .
The scene is so pathetic and cruel that it has to be seen to be believed
. The farmer lays out his goods and the trader goes around putting
slips in the lots . This lot of potatoes is 40 P next 38 P etc. His word
is final .Take it or leave it . What choice does the poor farmer have ?
Take it back to his village Where it will rot ?
This is because the trade is in the hands of ruthless unethical traders
whose only strenghth is ready cash , which the poor farmer needs .
When farming becomes unremunerative , India will stop producing food and
become net importers . Then whither food security ?
Supply chain management practiced by the Supermart chains ensures fair
prices for the farmer .And that too on a long term on going basis . Down
stream applications ensure price cushions . eg. When Tomato supplies
are in excess , it is converted to Sauce . Expensive Stawberries to Jams
and crush . That is one of the main reasons why the Farmers in the US
are rich and in India are poor .
Why dont the farmers take up arms ON BEHALF of the supermarts and
neutralise the traders and their paid buffons , who have become used to
super normal profits , ( eg. above , Cost Rs. 2.0 Selling price Rs
40/-) from protesting against supermarts .
Politicians , please understand the Arithmetic . For every trader there
are at least 100 customers who will benefit from lower prices. That is a
100 Votes won for every 1 vote lost ? ! ?
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