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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Snacks Samosa Vegetarian

Samosa Vegetarian

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
4 Large Potatoes boiled and mashed
1 - 1/2 Teacup Jeera (Cumin Seeds)  
1/2 Teacup Green Peas (Matar) Boiled and drained
1 Teaspoon Aam-Chur (sour mango powder)  
1 Teaspoon Chilly Powder, Red  
1/2 Teaspoon Fennel -(Saunf, Badi Shep)  
1/2 Teaspoon Garam-Masala  
1 Tablespoon Pea Nuts (Ground Nuts) Chopped and powdered
1 Tablespoon Ghee for cooking
  As Required Salt to taste
3 Teacup Flour, All Purpose  
1/2 Teacup Flour, All Purpose For rolling
1 Tablespoon Ghee heated, to add to dough
  As Required Cooking Oil For deep frying the samosas



1.Heat the Ghee(clarified butter) for the stuffing and add the cumin seeds and crushed peanuts.
2.When the seeds splutter add 1 - 1/2 of the dry powders and fry for 10 seconds.
3.Add the mashed potatoes and green peas, salt and mix well.
4.Cook on a low flame for about 10 minutes. Keep it aside.

Prepare the Samosa cover.

5.Prepare the cover for the samosa by combining the maida (all purpose flour, plain flour), hot Ghee(clarified butter)/ oil and salt .
6.Add enough water and knead the dough. Set aside for about 10 minutes.
7.Divide the dough into round portions. Take each portion and coat it with some maida (all purpose flour, plain flour) so that it does not stick to your hands.
8.Roll it into a not too thin perfect round. With a pizza cutter, make 2 semi circles of that round.
9.Take one half circle. Dip your index finger into the cold water and apply it to the straight edge of the semi circle. Now hold the semicircle in your hand.
10.Fold the straight edge , bringing together the watered edges. Seal the watered edges. You will now have a small triangular maida (all purpose flour, plain flour) pocket.
11.Stuff it with the potato mixture and now water-seal the upper edges. Repeat for the rest of the dough.
12.Deep fry in oil till golden brown and serve hot.

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