Mangalorean Recipes

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Good Friday

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Behold the Man, He stands again
before another rabid crowd
their voices hushed will they once more
shout out their rage and clamour loud:
"Away with Him, sentence to die!
This rabble-rouser, crucify!"

Will today's Pilate wash again
his hands, proclaim an innocence
and yet plain justice bold deny
with ritualistic impotence?
Behold the man! Behold your King!
Lamb, sacrificial offering!

He stands today in different form
Behold the woman, man, the child,
injustice victim life -denied!
Behold humanity  defiled!

On faces such as these we gaze
Do we condemning voices raise?
Another judge at end of time
To sheep and goats will sentence give

"You saw my face  in human plight
you lent a helping hand, now live!"
In condemnation or in aid
our sentences on us repaid.

Unless the Son be lifted up
unless the grain fall down and die
unless you love as I have loved
your cross take up yourself deny
in vain your quest! To you I bring
commandment new! Behold your king!


                                                                            terryq. 5/4/04

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