Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Friends' Corner Ruth Isaac White Ice Cream

White Ice Cream

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Kelapa (Coconut) Ice Cream
This is a recipe that came our way through serendipity.  One day while shooping at the local grocery store, the lights went off.  We were in the ice cream section and the girls were arguing over what flavour to choose.  In the confusion that followed I grabbed whatever came to my hand.  When we came home, we saw that it was Kelapa (Coconut Ice Cream).  And so we were accidentally introduced to the joys of this unique, wonderful, exotic Eastern Ice Cream!


The Recipe 
3 cups coconut milk; a pinch of salt;3 tbsp corn syrup;1/2 tsp vanilla essence; 1/2 cup caster sugar; 2 Pandanus or screw pines leaves;¼ kg tender coconut blended in mixer (optional).

In a saucepan, combine salt, sugar, coconut milk, corn syrup, and Pandanus leaves and heat them over low flame.  Stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat. Cool, add the vanilla essence  and chill in the fridge overnight in an airtight container.Next day whisk everything together with an electric beater again having first removed the Pandanus leaves. Add  blended tender coconut.  Freeze again overnight.  Serve with chocolate wafers and a drizzle of honey.  This is a fabulous dessert and tastes good with or without the tender coconut.  Try both versions and judge for yourself.

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