Mangalorean Recipes

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Prawn Masala Fry

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  • 15 medium sized prawns cleaned
  • 2-3 tsp (or to taste) bafat powder
  • 1 tsp cumin/jeera powder
  • 3/4th tsp ginger paste
  • 1/4 tsp garlic paste
  • 1 tsp (approx) vinegar or 1 tsp thick tamarind juice
  • 2-3 tsp rice flour/powder (adjust according to the masala required)
  • 2-3 tbsp coconut oil
  • salt to taste
  • 3 sprigs (approx 30 leaves) kadipatta/curry leaves

1. Marinate the prawns with the salt, bafat powder, jeera powder, ginger-garlic paste, vinegar (or tamarind juice), rice flour, 1 tbsp oil and 1 sprig of curry leaves finely chopped. Keep aside for 10-15minutes.
2. In a frying pan put the marinated prawns with 1 cup of water and bring it to a boil. Reduce the flame to a medium high and let the prawns cook until the masala thickens. Leave the pan uncovered.
3. Transfer the prawns and its masala to one side of the pan and in the center of the pan pour the remaining 2 tbsp oil and the curry leaves (do not chop). Let the oil heat up a bit and then mix everything together and simmer for 2-3 minutes till the oil separates from the masala. When masala turns semi thick turn off the flame. If you don't need a thick masala continue to simmer/fry for another 2 minutes so that the masala fries some more.
4. Serve hot with rice or Neer Dosa

Another way of making the masala is to use meet-mirsaang (puli munchi). Ensure that you check for salt and vinegar before adding more as the meet-mirsaang is prepared with these two ingredients.
Instead of rice flour you can use rice batter (from left over neer dosa batter).
You may also pulse the mixture in a grinder along with the curry leaves instead of chopping them


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