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A New Pope

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Formerly Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina,  was elected on the conclave's fifth ballot as the 266th Roman Pontiff of the Catholic Church.  Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires has become the Pope of the Catholic Church, taking the name Francis I.

The new Pope greeted the crowds of faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square shortly after 8:00 p.m. local time, after spending time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in the Pauline Chapel.   Pope Francis I, former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, ia Jesuit aged 76 is the first Latin American Pope and the first Jesuit Pope. In 2005, he received the second-most votes in the conclave that elected Pope Benedict.

He entered the Society of Jesus in 1958, and obtained a licentiate in philosophy. He was ordained a priest in 1969, and was a theology professor. He was a Father  Provincial  for the Society and a Seminary Rector.

The College of Cardinals came to an agreement on the Holy Father’s election the afternoon of March 13, after a total of four inconclusive votes earlier that day and the previous day.

Two-thirds of the cardinals present – in this case, 77 of 115 – were necessary to elect a new Pontiff.

Pope Francis began his first words to the Church by saying that the cardinals “went to the end of the world” to find the new Bishop of Rome.

“Brothers and sisters, good evening. You know that the charge of the conclave was to give a bishop of Rome. It would seem that my brothers went to the end of the world to choose him,” the Argentinian Pope said from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica.

The Pope then called on the crowd of tens of thousands to pray for “our Bishop Emeritus Benedict.”

“This way of the Church that we commence on,” he said, "is one of an evangelization in this beautiful city.”

Before he closed his remarks, Pope Francis asked the crowd for the favor of praying for him in silence before he gave his blessing.

He then bowed at the waist as silence settled over St. Peter’s Square.

The Pope blessed the throng of people, saying, “I give my blessing to you and all people of good will in the world.”

“I’m going to say goodbye now; thank you so much for your welcome," he said. "I say good night because tomorrow I want to go and pray to Mary for her protection.”

A marching band playing and the bells of St. Peter’s ringing in the night followed Pope Francis’ greeting.

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"By now you know many of the details. He is the first Jesuit pope, the first to take the name Francis.  And by all indications he intends to follow the Divine request entrusted to Francis of Assisi: “Rebuild my Church.”  (Cardinal Dolan said tonight that the Pope emphatically told the cardinals that he would take the name Francis after Francis of Assisi, not Francis Xavier the Jesuit evangelist).

Having spoken to a number of people who know Pope Bergoglio here is what I have discerned: He is a man of the people.  A humble Archbishop who lives in an apartment and takes a bus to work.  The new Pope is known to have a heart for the poor.  He has repeatedly spoken about the inequities between rich and poor and stressed social justice.  Doctrinally he is right in line with Benedict XVI on marriage, abortion, etc.". Raymond Arroyo

Vatican Website

Eternal World Television Network

Zenit Agency

Raymond Arroyo Blog

National Cathlic Register

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