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Home Baby Foods Mango Puree

Mango Puree

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QuantityMeasure IngredientsDescription
 As RequiredMangoesRipe, Fresh



Mango* Creamy Puree 6-8months+
Vitamins: A (1262 IU in one cup!), C, E, K, Folate 
Minerals: Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium

If your infant is currently not eating yogurt and/or you do not wish to use any juice, simply peel, de-seed and mash the mango with some water until the proper consistency for Your Infant is achieved.

1 Ripe Mango
Plain or Vanilla Yogurt OR
Water, Apple or Pear Juice

Preparation Directions:
Peel, De-seed and Mash Mango until smooth
Add Yogurt or Water or Juice until the proper consistency for Your Infant is achieved.

*Mango does not need to be cooked as it is typically introduced at an age where baby can tolerate raw fruits. Mango may be steamed to tender and then mashed if you prefer without harming it. 

You may use mango as a great Baby Finger Foods! Simply peel, de-seed and then cut into dices or chunks that are manageable for your baby! You may wish to coat the mango pieces with "cheerio dust", wheat germ or another cereal "dust" to help baby easily pick up the bits!

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Last Updated on Sunday, 11 April 2010 07:20  



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