Mangalorean Recipes

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Wonderful Life

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As a new day dawns my mind goes wild with memories rushing in through the crevices of my half opened eyes reversing the time and I wonder how our actions lead to consequences which we never even contemplate.   One thing, is in spite of ourselves, the Loving Father above steers us through precipices and ravines, and brings us out safe and sound, only to see greater beauty around us, new vistas, and new lands where our progeny will traverse in due course. For this end, God has chosen us to open the pathway to the future where our children and grand children will walk one day.   We might have forgotten how our elders looked at us a young babies and children, but just as we do see in our children and grand children, so must they have done too.   Let us preserve this past and present love within our families and friends, and usher in the New Year with new resolve to do what we missed in the previous years.   Have a bright 2014 ahead of you.

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