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Home Food for Thought General Topics Good and Bad traits of a human being

Good and Bad traits of a human being

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The human being belongs to the animal kingdom, and is the highest specimen of the same, having intelligence, which is unique to this group.

This intelligence, though unique is not posessed in the same way by everyone.  The basic needs of a human being are met, but the rare group categorized as geniuses, have it in abundance.

The genius has a special gift for a particular line of experience of life, like music, poetry, prose, science, and art.

Philosophers too are a part of this group, and have reached depths of perception of our inner self to extraordinary levels.  They have left behind their contributions from time immemorial.   They have resulted in religious thought, and some groups claim, access to Revelation, from the Divine.   The Monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based of Revealed truths.   Not everyone agrees with this, and therefore the allegiance to it also varies, and conflicts of interpretation, has led mankind into painful wars of attrition.

In our present world, the conflict between Islam, Hinduism and Christian interpretations have led to a lot of debate.   When humans take refuge in the base instincts of their nature, it leads to such conflicts, that there can be bloodshed.  But there have been also altruistic endeavors in these same groups, that have led to the amelioration of life in the hard pressed section of society.   If one ignores the latter's contribution, and only concentrates on the cruel side of people, we will be led into deeper conflicts.

These conflicts will ultimately lead to the disintegration and  disappearance of such tendentious sections  and replaced by more sensible approaches out of neccessity of survival.    Injuries heaped by a section of society on another society, will result in vendetta, and revenge by the future generations of the injured party, and their retaliation, will be borne by those who had nothing to do with the people who started the fight.   It is a vicious circle, of violence.   It only results in greater damage.   Those who want to grasp the depth of this problem, should make their own research into the actions of human beings over the past centuries, and see the consequences of the vicious circle.

If better sense prevails, we will be tolerant and compassionate to the weaker sections, and offer them support when we can afford to do so.   This may have a positive result in the end.   The benefit may be accrued to the next generation, of our children and grand children.   Would it not be a good proposal to start it now, rather than wait for others to take the lead.

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