Mangalorean Recipes

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I have tried to share my experience and knowledge with those of you who love music, so that you may use it.   I might have failed in providing all the information that you might have looked for.  However, you may supplement your knowledge by reading other books, and through the Internet.  

Though practical knowledge is an asset for a successful musician,  a theoretical background of music gives him a deeper understanding of the same.  Just as knowing how to speak and read a language is a good thing, a study of its grammar and literature can help him to appreciate and understands it more.   If one is born with the gift of music  it will enable him to learn instruments or to sing  instinctively. It is possible however, with an effort and perseverance, to acquire these skills.  Help of a  good teacher can be helpful or you may even attempt to study the book on your own.   I have tried to show you the way, and it is up to you now, to think of creative ways of absorbing the knowledge and if possible to impart it to others.

I am 82 now, but I started on this book some twenty years ago, and began my musical journey in 1951 when I was 16 years old.   God is mysterious, and his ways are more mysterious.  I would not have had an opportunity to learn music, but he took me into the seminary where I got this and at that time, I might have thought he called me to be a priest, but his intentions where otherwise.  I see now, at this old age, that what he did then, was to enable me to do, what I do today.

If you have reached the end of the book, be sure, God has some unique ideas for you too.  Take courge, to pick up the opportunities he lays on your table, and do not reject them, because they are of no use to you.   God knows that you will need them, and gives these in advance, so that when the time comes, you will utilize them.

You will find music on my website, under Catholic Church Musicn/Nostalgic Music, which is the result of my taking up the challeges God placed before me.  Today I am half blind, but his mercy flows uncessantly, for which I am very grateful to Him.   May his blessings be always with you too.You might have felt like giving up many times.   But if you have reached the end, then you deserve congratulations.  In the event you have learnt to play from score, and would like some extra music in 4 part harmony, you may download music from the internet.

Walter J. Pais
B18/19 Greenwood Meadows
Ground Floor, Next to St. Tresa's School
Candolim Orda Road,
Bardez, Goa 403515

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