Mangalorean Recipes

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Gondh Ke Laddoo

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
1 Kilogram Flour, Wheat - (Atta)  
1/4 Kilogram Ghee  
1/2 Kilogram Sugar, Powdered  
250 Grams Gum Chrystals  
100 Grams Lotus Seeds (makhane) puffed
100 Grams Musk Melon-Watermelon-Pumpkin seeds  
200 Grams Almonds (Badam)  
200 Grams Cashew Nuts  
400 Grams Coconut - Grated /Desiccated dried
100 Grams Walnut (Akhrot)  
50 Grams Pista unsalted
1 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder  
1/4 Teacup Kuskus - poppy seeds  
50 Grams Kamarkas - flame of the forest Optional


Heat half the ghee in a kadai. Deep fry all the dry fruits one by one. First almonds, then cashew nuts followed by walnuts, pistachio nuts, lotus seeds, and lastly the seeds. Remove when they turn brown and keep aside. In the same ghee, deep fry the kamarkas.

In a separate pan, heat 1 tbsp ghee and roast poppy seeds over low flame and keep aside. When the poppy seeds have cooled, grind them with the kamarkas into a fine powder. Next roast the grated coconut and keep it aside. Finely grind all the fried dry fruits. Add to the roasted coconut and keep the mixture in a bowl.

Heat the remaining ghee in the karahi, and roast the flour over medium heat until golden brown. Lower the flame. Sprinkle powdered edible gum in to the roasted flour and keep stirring it till the crystals puff up and the spluttering stops. Turn off the flame.

Keep stirring the mixture for another 5 to10 minutes. Next, add cardamom powder, mixture of all the dry fruits, and powdered kamarkas and poppy seeds to the roasted flour. Mix the ingredients well. Add powdered sugar to the mixture. Set aside for a few minutes. Allow to cool to a temperature where you can safely handle the mixture.

Smear a little ghee on your palms and make small balls (laddoos) while the mixture is still warm. Keep each laddoo on a tray. They will become firm once cool. Store it in an air-tight container.

Note: You can also add nutmeg (jaiphal) powder, fenugreek powder (methi), dry fenugreek leaves (kasoori methi) in these laddoos.

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