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Home Food Information General Information 11 Effective Ways To Preserve Meat

11 Effective Ways To Preserve Meat

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With 31% of the world’s population, or 375 million people being vegetarians, this means that you are more likely to be a part of the remaining population who are meat eaters. This being the case, it’s probably best that you’re aware of how you may preserve your meat. We all know that meat is bulky!

Therefore, it is usually preferred to be consumed periodically, which leads us to the process of preservation. When it is done correctly, meat is able to be conserved for weeks, months, or (that’s right) even years.

Let’s take a look at some of these meat preservation methods:




I’m pretty sure this is the most common, as well as most obvious method. Freezing is a straight-forward method that simply involves placing your meat in a freezer/cooler. However, as simple a method as it may be, there are still some advisory steps to bear in mind when freezing meat

For example, you may want to ensure that the meat is well packaged before storing it in a freezer so as to prevent freezer burn. Make sure that it is wrapped tightly so that air can’t get it in the packaging. Freezing your meat at 0-degrees Fahrenheit will be best for preserving its nutritional value and flavour


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