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Home Food for Thought Reflections A Glimmer of Hope

A Glimmer of Hope

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Our minds, absorb ideas of objects and subjects from ourenvironment, and this is a natural way to build a library of knowledge in our minds.   Some can store more and others  less.   Some understand  the relevance and others do not.   No one at any stage will know the full implication of the  knowledge that we absorb.   

I have come to observe, that whatever, I do today in 2017, a  foudation was laid in 1951.   At that time, I had no inkling why  I landed in a place like a Seminary which came from the blue.
But by hind sight I see, there was a greater purpose in the  mind of the one who created me to make use of my potential    in music, for his own purpose.   I therefore accept, that life  offers opportunities, but we do not know why.   If we just do  not argue about it and ask, "what is the use of this ?"  and shelf the opportunity aside we will soon come to know at  later time that had we known about it, and worked on it, perhaps, we would have been saved from great difficulties.   In this I find the parable of the talents in Jesus's life, and it has been an anchor for me, in the aqusition of knowledge.  Even in this, I had not done my best at a earlier stage, but I also see, that    God does not hold against us when we do not do the best.   He gives second chances.

The reason why I say is not to discourage any one, as even  God will not want to do so, as he showed in forgving Mary  Magdalen, the woman accused of adultery, etc.  Perhaps, we  have to have a second look at the sayings of Jesus, rather  than keep him on  a pedestal and glorify him, and not  understand, what he is saying, and why.

A lot of gloom has spread in our country, but still there are  pockets where we see a glimmer of hope.  We have to use  this to spread more sunshine in the lives of our neighbors,  and do not spend time, in counertering false propaganda.   Leave it to God.    One thing we should know, God does not  judge by what we believe.   He  has given that to us, so that we find our way.  He looks at us as his children, whatever race, creed or color.   If he does not discriminate neither shoud we.


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