Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Dips Hammoos - Chick Peas Paste

Hammoos - Chick Peas Paste

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description
250 Grams Chana, whole (Kabuli Chana) Soak overnight and grind
100 Grams Thahina Mix
100 Ml. Olive Oil Mix


Soak the Kabuli Chana overnight, and then boil it the next day. Grind the boiled Chana in a blender/mixer, and make it into a thick paste. Mix the paste with Tahina,* , and spread it flat in a plate, and pour salad oil or olive oil on the paste and  garnish it with olives and green chillies. Can be used as a dip, with the Khaboos,*


* For recipe of Tahina and Kaboos see in the Middle East Index.

A whitish variety among pulses. Used in the Middle East.  On the Indian Sub Continent .it is called Kabuli Chana

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