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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Sweets Muffins with Coconut Filling

Muffins with Coconut Filling

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
1 Kilogram            Rice, Boiled (ukda chawal) ukda chawal
  As Required Salt to taste
1 Nos. Coconut (Narial)                        For filling
200 Grams Sugar, Table For filling
100 Grams Plums For filling
200 Grams Almonds (Badam) For filling
1 Teaspoon Cardamom Powder For filling
1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg powder For filling
1 Tablespoon Rose Water For filling
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Essence For filling


Clean and wash the rice and soak for an hour or so  Grind it with a little water and salt to taste to a fine but sufficiently dry dough.   .

Prepare Bhakris:
On a clean plantain leaf, spread a handful of this dough and make a Bakar (rice cake) a flat round cake about half inch thick and six inches in diameter.   Place another clean plantain leaf over it.  On a hot thawa preferably of mud or earthen ware, place this Bakar, with the leaves on.  When the leaf on one side is burnt, remove it and turn the baker on the other side.   When that leaf is also burnt, remove the baker, wipe and tawa and brown the baker well on both sides.
Coconut Filling

Scrape the coconut, pick and clean the plums, blanche and chop the almonds,
Start cooking the scraped coconut and sugar on slow fire, stir and brown it well. Add to it plums, almonds, rose water and vanilla essence as well as the two powders of cardamom and nutmeg.
Stir well and cook for five minutes.
Keep down and cool.

Prepare Stuffed Muffins:  Place one  bhakar on a flat surface and spread the coconut filling  and place the other on top of it and press the edges to join the two.    Roast on a  hot tawa as in the other methods

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