Mangalorean Recipes

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Bread Kofta Curry

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Quantity Measure Ingredients Description:
8 Slices White Bread you can increase the quantity - to be soaked
0 Little Water For boiling potatoes and for curry.
2 Medium Potatoes Peeled and mashed.
3 Salt-Spoon Salt to taste
1 Small Onion Chopped fine.
1 Medium Chillies Green Chopped fine
5 Tablespoon Ghee For frying
4 Medium Onions Chopped into slices for curry
2 Nos. Tomatoes Chopped into small pieces for curry
1 Pinch Turmeric Powder For mixing for curry
1 Teaspoon Coriander Powder For seasoning. For curry
2 Medium Chillies Green Chopped finely


The bread slices, should be soaked. The potatoes should be boiled and peeled and mashed. Minced masala to be prepared and kept in a saucer. 

Method: squeeze the water from the bread slices, and mix with the boiled potatoes which are to be mashed, with the minced masala which you kept aside in the saucer. Roll this mixture into balls.

Now in a deep fry pan, deep-fry these balls, and keep aside.

Now prepare the curry this way: 

First chop the onions and fry in a little ghee. Then add the other condiments kept aside for curry and fry for 2 minutes. Then add the tomatoes cut into pieces. Add a little water, and cook till it becomes a little thick. 

Prepare a little seasoning in ghee and coriander powder, and add it to the curry.
When curry is ready, add the fried bread-potato balls, called "koftas" in Hindi, and serve with chapattis.


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