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Home Mangalore/Goa Recipes Beef Potato Chops with Beef Mince

Potato Chops with Beef Mince

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Quantity: Measure: Ingredients: Description:
0.5 Kilogram Potatoes Boil, peel and mash.
Half Teaspoon Sugar Add to the potato mash
5 Tablespoon Cooking Oil For frying chops.
2 Twigs/Sprigs Mint Leaves (Pudina) Wash, and mince and add to stuffing.
5 Medium Chillies Green Mince, fry and add to stuffing
1 Inch Ginger Mince, fry and add to stuffing
2 Medium Onions Mince, fry and add to stuffing
0.5 Kilogram Beef - Mince Wash, and mince and add to stuffing.
50 Grammes Tomatoes Mince, fry and add to stuffing
50 Grammes Carrots Mince, fry and add to stuffing
0.5 Teaspoon Pepper Powder Add to stuffing
Half Teaspoon Garam-Masala Add to stuffing
1 units Lime (fresh) Add to stuffing
1 units Eggs Beat in a shallow vessel
0.5 Teacup Bread Crumbs Place in a flat plate.


Boil the potatoes, skin them and mash to make a paste and add half a teaspoon of sugar and mix well and form a dough, which will be used as the base of the potato chops.

Mince the ingredients kept for mincing, and fry them in ghee, and when fried, add the minced meat, carrots and tomatoes also minced, and fry for some time.  Add half a cup of water, to come just above the ingredients, and add salt, pepper powder and Garam masala and lime juice to taste.   Cook till the mince is almost dry and fully cooked, remove from fire and allow to cool.

Beat the egg, and put it in a shallow vessel.     In a small plate, place bread crumbs.

Take some potato dough in your left palm and press into a round cup  shape, and fill the mince mixture in the middle and close the edges and form it into a round cutlet.

On the stove, keep a flat frying pan, and heat the cooking oil, till it is very hot, and then  dip the potato cutlet in the egg, roll in over the bread crumbs and make as many as the frying pan can hold.  Place the cutlets one by one, on the frying pan and when one side is fried, gently turn it to the other side and fry both sides.

When done remove from the frying pan, and place them in a wicker basket, lined with kitchen towels, to absorb the excess oil.

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