Mangalorean Recipes

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 As I Kneel Before You W.J.Pais 9538
2 Bring Flowers the Rarest W.J.Pais 6605
3 Come Ye Children of Mary W.J.Pais 5907
4 Daily Daily Sing to Mary W.J.Pais 7393
5 Hail Holy Queen W.J.Pais 5054
6 Hail Mary Rudy Martin, Kolkatta 5169
7 Hail Queen of Heaven W.J.Pais 6853
8 Hail Virgin of Virgins W.J.Pais 5309
9 Holy Mary Now We Crown Thee W.J.Pais 5613
10 Holy Queen Enthroned Above W.J.Pais 5966
11 Holy Queen, We Bend Before Thee W.J.Pais 11577
12 I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary W.J.Pais 5262
13 I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary - 2 W.J.Pais 4858
14 Immaculate Mary - Lourdes Hymn W.J.Pais 10799
15 Look Down O Mother, Mary W.J.Pais 10321
16 Maiden Mother, Meek and Mild W.J.Pais 6792
17 Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary W.J.Pais 4736
18 Mother Dear, Oh Pray For Me. W.J.Pais 5977
19 Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest W.J.Pais 14039
20 Mother of Christ - Perpetual Succor Bhavesh Zaveri 5964
21 Mother Of Christ - vocal Bhavesh Zaveri 4687
22 O come to the Throne of Grace W.J.Pais 10091
23 O Mother I Could Weep for Mirth W.J.Pais 9404
24 O Purest of Creatures W.J.Pais 5838
25 O Queen of Heaven Rejoice Friends' Contribution 5235
26 O Sanctissima W.J.Pais 4784
27 On This Day, Oh, Beautiful Mother W.J.Pais 6581
28 Queen of the Holy Rosary W.J.Pais 6396
29 Regina Coeli - by Antonio Lotti W.J.Pais 6691
30 Regina Coeli Laetare W.J.Pais 5371
31 Remember - Memorare W.J.Pais 12109
32 Remember 2 - The Memorare Rudy Martin, Kolkatta 4603
33 Stabat Mater W.J.Pais 4638
34 THREE HAIL MARYS - Ave Maria in Latin W.J.Pais 5366
35 Who is She? - Feast of Assumption W.J.Pais 5100
36 Your Greatness W.J.Pais 6687

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