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Holy Week - Lent - Videos

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 0 1 Palm Sunday W.J.Pais 2612
2 02 Martha, Mary and Lazarus W.J.Pais 2887
3 03 Tuesday of Palm Sunday week W.J.Pais 2955
4 04 Palm Sunday Week - Wednesday W.J.Pais 2590
5 05 - Mass of the Holy Eucharist W.J.Pais 2950
6 05a Mass of the Eucharist with readings. W.J.Pais 2657
7 05b Holy Thursday W.J.Pais 2574
8 05c Washing of the Feet W.J.Pais 2847
9 2. Agony in the Garden - Video W.J.Pais 2948
10 2a. Agony in the Garden - With Scripture W.J.Pais 2793
11 3. Begining of the Passion W.J.Pais 2947
12 4. Scourgine at the Pillar W.J.Pais 2952
13 5. Crowning with Thorns W.J.Pais 2890
14 6. Good Friday - Meditation - Video W.J.Pais 2854
15 7. Jesus Dies on the Cross W.J.Pais 2960
16 8.1 Holy Saturday - Genesis W.J.Pais 3070
17 8.2 Holy Saturday - Abraham W.J.Pais 3094
18 8.3 Holy Saturday - Moses W.J.Pais 3207
19 8.4 Holy Saturday - Isaiah W.J.Pais 3040
20 8.5 Holy Saturday - Baruch W.J.Pais 3031
21 8.6 Holy Saturday - Ezekiel W.J.Pais 3006
22 8.7 Holy Saturday - St. Paul to the Romans W.J.Pais 2943
23 8.8 Holy Saturday - Gospel according to Luke W.J.Pais 2709
24 9 Mass of the Resurrection W.J.Pais 2828
25 9b The Ressurection W.J.Pais 2505
26 God of Mercy - Congregational Francis 1930 2350
27 God of Mercy and Compassion Vatican 2352
28 Hymns and Music for Lent: Playlist W.J.Pais 2174
29 I am the Bread of LIfe W.J.Pais 2225
30 Lent - Holy Week W.J.Pais 2458
31 Lenten Meditation You Tube 2248
32 Miserere Domine Michael Richard de Lalande 2131
33 Via Crucis - Franz Liszt Franz Liszt 2075
34 Wre hou there ? Matthew Cooke 2104



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