Mangalorean Recipes

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Banana Pudding Friends' Contribution 6047
2 Beaten Rice Kheer Mother's Touch 5699
3 Bread Kheer Mother's Touch 6745
4 Bread Pudding Mother's Touch 5832
5 Bread Pudding 2 Mother's Touch 6320
6 Bread Pudding 3 W.J.Pais 6944
7 Broken Glass Pudding Friends' Contribution 6056
8 Canary Pudding Mother's Touch 5269
9 China Grass Pudding Mother's Touch 3895
10 Chocolate Fudge Poonam Pais-Zaveri 3711
11 Custard Caramel Mother's Touch 3854
12 Custard Pudding Mother's Touch 5376
13 Custard Pudding 2 Mother's Touch 5118
14 Dessert Malpoa Mother's Touch 5613
15 Eggless Ice Cream 5771
16 Fruit Custard W.J.Pais 2791
17 Fruit Salad Mother's Touch 5475
18 Gram Dhal Pudding Mother's Touch 5084
19 Guava Pudding Mother's Touch 6422
20 Gulio Kheer (Gulio Roce) Mother's Touch 5458
21 Jack Fruit Pudding Mother's Touch 7379
22 Jelly Slices Mother's Touch 5155
23 Kheer Mother's Touch 5814
24 Kheer - Soji Mother's Touch 6129
25 Kheer 2 Mother's Touch 5176
26 Kheer Pumpkin Friends' Contribution 5811
27 Khir with Coconut Milk Mother's Touch 5231
28 Leola's Bread Pudding Our Famiily 5010
29 Mandas with Cucumber Mother's Touch 3843
30 Manee Mother's Touch 3620
31 Mango Pudding Mother's Touch 5051
32 Mango Souffle Friends' Contribution 5519
33 Melting Moments Our Famiily 4908
34 Orange, Lemon, Pineapple Souffle W.J.Pais 4750
35 Papaya Pudding Friends' Contribution 4963
36 Peaches in Syrup Friends' Contribution 4259
37 Pear Preserve Friends' Contribution 4681
38 Plum Pudding Mother's Touch 4601
39 Raw Rice Kheer Friends' Contribution 5069
40 Rice Kheer W.J.Pais 5240
41 Rice Kheer W.J.Pais 2004
42 Russian Caramel Friends' Contribution 3397
43 Shrikhand Friends' Contribution 4878
44 Soji Pudding (Rulao, Semolina) Mother's Touch 3658
45 Turkish Delight Mother's Touch 10169
46 Vanilla Ice-cream W.J.Pais 4811
47 Vermicelli Kheer Friends' Contribution 5229
48 Vorn (Payasam) Mother's Touch 5993



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