Mangalorean Recipes

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Aloo Paratta Friends' Contribution 3342
2 Bajri Chapatti Mother's Touch 6152
3 Basic Bread Poonam Pais-Zaveri 5498
4 Bathure Friends' Contribution 3828
5 Besan Roti W.J.Pais 5294
6 Bikaneeri Paratta (Rajastan) Bhavesh Zaveri 5162
7 Bread Mother's Touch 3691
8 Bread Sticks Rebekka Taylor 5440
9 Chana Dhal Paratta Friends' Contribution 3234
10 Chapatti Mother's Touch 5938
11 Croissant Rebekka Taylor 5447
12 Fuggias - East Indian Bread Friends' Contribution 5948
13 Garlic Bread Friends' Contribution 3420
14 Home Made Pizza Dough Sandra 4711
15 Homemade Buns Mother's Touch 4295
16 Layered Chapatti Friends' Contribution 3205
17 Maida Dumplings Bhavesh Zaveri 5227
18 Maida Muffins Bhavesh Zaveri 6016
19 Masala Buns Friends' Contribution 3381
20 Masala Chapatti Poonam Pais-Zaveri 4307
21 Masala Kulcha with Potato Filling Bhavesh Zaveri 4779
22 Methi Baji Chapattis Bhavesh Zaveri 4737
23 Moghlai Roti Poonam Pais-Zaveri 4290
24 Muffins - Rice Flour Friends' Contribution 5071
25 Muffins - Sweet - Sweet Bakhar Mother's Touch 4992
26 Muffins with Coconut Friends' Contribution 4753
27 Naan Friends' Contribution 3175
28 Papad - Urid Flour Friends' Contribution 3362
29 Papads from Gram Flour Friends' Contribution 5404
30 Paratta Friends' Contribution 3255
31 Paratta with Gram Flour 4226
32 Phulkas Bhavesh Zaveri 4464
33 Pizza Dough W.J.Pais 4376
34 Pooris Poonam Pais-Zaveri 4598
35 Potato Bread W.J.Pais 4205
36 Potato Poori Poonam Pais-Zaveri 4663
37 Shev 1 - Gram Flour Bhavesh Zaveri 4219
38 Spinach Paratta Bhavesh Zaveri 4325
39 Stuffed Dumplings Our Famiily 4236
40 Tandoori Roti Bhavesh Zaveri 4217
41 Tandoori Roti - without Tandoor Friends' Contribution 3194



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