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Home MANGRECS WEBLOGS Walter Pais Blog
Walter Pais Blog
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# Article Title Author Hits
1 70th Birthday of Inda W.J.Pais 1686
2 A Glimmer of Hope W.J.Pais 1438
3 A Plea from a Crying Child W.J.Pais 1596
4 Fanaticism W.J.Pais 1403
5 Music - A gift from God W.J.Pais 1633
6 Poverty and Debts W.J.Pais 1738
7 Reply of the Indian National Congress to the PM W.J.Pais 1875
8 Suffering and Persecution W.J.Pais 1318
9 The Canard of the Dark Ages W.J.Pais 1360
10 The causes that have led to the present turmoil i the worldr W.J.Pais 1198
11 Truth W.J.Pais 1445
12 When the sun has set W.J.Pais 1263
13 World Events, hurting private families 1934 W.J.Pais 1292

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