Mangalorean Recipes

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Human food consists of plant and animal by products.   If we see, the lower creatures become the food of the upper creatures, in the food chain.   It is not a cruel choice of fate, but a system that has been set in motion by the Creator himself.    It is only left to the human being to choose the type of food he would take, as he is gifted with a unique gift, called intelligence.    Thus Vegetarians, based on their religious beliefs, or by choice opt to intake only plant products, but others choose animal products as well, not only by choice, but also due to regional and seasonal conditions, have taken to this food.    Animal has been the food of animals in many species, and in some species, the animals take in only plant products.   Vegetarians, would like to be in the category of the latter.    It is easier to digest, but scientific studies are telling us that for building muscular strength, animal products in proper ratio are helpful.

Education has helped in making sound choices, and eventually, as the spread of education widens, people will make thoughtful choices without feeling any way less religious in their outlook.



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