Mangalorean Recipes

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Home Catholic Church Music Information CHRISTMAS MASS SCORE


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Wishing you all

A happy Christmas, and a Bright

New Year.

May you all be blessed with the fulfilment of all your dreams and wishes, as the days roll by and be grateful to the


Christmas is approaching and the Choir Masters will be planning for the Feast.

Are you looking for a good Score for the Mass ?

Here iit is and you can just download the score, the mp3 file and practice.

You do not have to do anything in return, but just pray for me.


It is prepared for 4 unequal voices, and in the hands of a good Choir Master and an Organist you will have  a spendid celebration.

My address given on the score is outdated.  My present address is

B19/18, Ground Floor,

Greenwood meadows, Next to St. Tresa's School,

Candolim Orda Road, Candolim, Bardez

Goa 403515.  Tel: 917798249805

email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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