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Bananas Ripe

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Bananas are native to tropical southeastern Asia but are widely cultivated in tropical regions. In popular culture and commerce, "banana" usually refers to the soft, sweet "dessert" bananas that are usually eaten raw. The bananas from a group of cultivars with firmer, starchier fruit, generally used in cooking rather than eaten raw, are typically known as plantains. Bananas may also be dried and ground into banana flour.

The main or upright growth is called a pseudostem. Each pseudostem produces a single bunch of bananas. Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas (meaning they are yellow and fully ripe when eaten) or as green cooking bananas.

Banana is fruit with many uses.

By a high potassium to sodium content, bananas may prevent high blood pressure and its complications.[31][32] High fiber content may also contribute to this effect.[31] High potassium may also prevent renal calcium loss, in effect preventing bone breakdown.[31] In diarrhea, it contributes with electrolyte replacement, as well as increased absorption of nutrients.[31] Bananas also have some antacid effect, protecting from peptic ulcers.[31] [32] Pectin content, a hydrocolloid, can ease constipation by normalizing movement through the intestine.[31] The low glycemic index in unripe bananas is of particular benefit to people with diabetes.[31][32] High fructooligosaccharide content may work as a prebiotic, nourishing the intestinal flora to produce beneficial vitamins and enzymes.[31] Carotenoid content has antioxidant effects, and protects against vitamin A deficiency, resulting in e.g. night blindness.[31] Moderate consumption decreases risk of kidney cancer, possibly due to antioxidant phenolic compounds.[31] In contrast, large consumption of highly processed fruit juice increases the risk of kidney cancer.[31]

Fruit consumption in general decreases the risk of age-related macular degeneration.[31]

Allergic reactions

There are two forms of banana allergy. One is oral allergy syndrome which causes itching and swelling in the mouth or throat within one hour after ingestion and is related to birch tree and other pollen allergies. The other is related to latex allergies and causes urticaria and potentially serious upper gastrointestinal symptoms.[33]

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