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Home Food for Thought Spiritual Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions

Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions

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Mount Rosary Welcomes You

Mount Rosary Welcomes You with love of dear Mother Mary , the mother of Jesus. It welcomes you in the devotion of the Holy Rosary. Through the reflection and meditation of the twenty Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous, you are enveloped in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The recitation of the Rosary builds you up in the gift of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God and our Saviour. May Jesus abound you in his charity and strengthen your life of holiness, through works of charity. This is our prayerful wish for you.


“ To Proclaim and Witness through life, that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of all people , in whichever Apostolate or area the Sisters dedicate their life of service”.

Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary, study the World of God from the Bible very deeply, through Scripture classes, through reflection and meditation by learning and reciting the Office of the Church daily and through prayer sessions and sharing the Gospel through the seven step method. Having learnt the Word of God and understanding what the Lord wants, the Sisters participate in the daily Eucharist and strengthened by Holy Communion, they live according to the will of God, daily inspired by the meditation of the Word of God. This ensures the holiness and life of charity of our Sisters.


A Short History of Mount Rosary Institutions:

Mount Rosary was founded on June 27, 1937 by a holy Priest of the diocese of Mangalore, Very Rev. Msgr. Francis Elias D’ Souza. The first service he started was a tuberculosis sanatorium of 50 beds, both for men and women patients. Subsequently care and service was initiated for the aged and the dying by Msgr. Francis Elias D’ Souza especially for those who had no family members or children to take care of them in the last days of their life. After the demise of Msgr. Francis Elias D’ Souza, another holy Priest, known for Marian devotion in the diocese of Mangalore, Fr. John Menezes succeeded at Mount Rosary as the director, and he started the service of a home for the destitute and unwanted people especially the single mothers. Succeeding three directors at Mount Rosary continued these threefold services to the best of their ability by improving various facilities either in agriculture or in health, or in providing other infra-structure.

Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary :

When Fr. Edwin C. Pinto arrived as the Sixth director of Mount Rosary, in the year 1989, he recognized the need of a group of trained and committed sisters, to serve in the various services at Mount Rosary and be witnesses of Jesus through these works of charities, in the surrounding villages of Alangar, Moodbidri among Christians , Hindus, Muslims and Jains as well. Therefore, with the permission of the Church, he founded  the Pious Association of sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary in the year 1990. Presently there are 56 Professed Sisters and 20 trainees. Beside this, there are nine students studying in High School and Pre- University who desire to be sisters in the future. 

The sisters daily pray for religious vocations, not so much for numbers but more of fervour. Fr. Edwin Pinto was called by the Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev. Aloysius D’ Souza to be the Vicar General of the diocese, as the first vicar General to the New Bishop of Mangalore after the death of Bishop Basil D’ Souza. Soon after Sr. Precilla D’ Mello was made the Administrator of Mount Rosary Charitable Institutions from the year 1997. After serving five years as the Vicar General Msgr. Edwin C. Pinto has come back to Mount Rosary as the Spiritual Director of the sisters and inmates at the Institutions. And the Sisters do the administration of the Institution.

In the year 2005, Helpers of Mount Rosary with the permission of the Holy see,  has become a Religious Congregation of the diocesan right.

The Present situation:

We are around 250 inmates and sisters at Mount Rosary , 200 are various inmates either living in the re-habilitation ward of Tuberculosis sanatorium, home for the aged people, or at the home for the destitute. The rest are sisters and trainees. Hence every day we need food for 250 members and 16 daily wage workers, who labour in our agricultural enterprises. Our main food is rice and vegetables. We need also a sizable quantity of milk because of the sick and the aged and therefore we have a dairy. To provide meat, we have a small piggery and a poultry and a goat rearing Programme. In the agricultural lands Mount Rosary Institution possesses, we have ear-marked five acres of land both for rice cultivation and alternatively for growing vegetables. In the other land that is available , we have around 500 coconut tress and a hundred cashew trees, even a number of Mango and Jackfruit trees and of late, we have planted a little rubber, Pepper wines and areca trees as well. Therefore we have enough production of coconuts for our whole year’s need, both for our food and for oil needs. Our rubber is just coming to yield. But pepper, areca etc. will come to yield in the near future.


Monsignor Edwin C. Pinto, the founder of “ Helpers of Mount Rosary”, has envisioned a life of holiness and charity for our Sisters, through these sevenfold visions. He says,

• I would like to see Helpers of Mount Rosary become holy by the daily understanding of the message of Jesus Christ from the Gospel and the Eucharist, and live it in their daily lives, thus they would daily become like Christ. This would help them to teach practical living of holiness to people with whom they work.

• I would like to see Helpers of Mount Rosary learning faith and human values and Christian Values, then teach them to the people in the villages and to every member in the family and thus do people up lift work, using simple communication media techniques and pedagogical methods.

• I would like to see them going from Mount Rosary Institution to visit parishes in the Moodbidri Varado and meet with people in villages and families,  to take care of the sick not only for curative work but also in the work of health education and prevention of disease.

• I would like them not only to take care of the old, lonely and disabled in the institution but also in the villages and in the family context to awaken and support the family members responsibility towards the ages.

• I would like to see Helpers of Mount Rosary love the poor, especially the agricultural labourer and the marginal farmer by not only learning agriculture and animal husbandry for themselves but by themselves cultivating the land and teaching it to the village men folk and thus assisting in the upliftment of the quality of the life of his family and of himself.

• I would like to see Helpers of Mount Rosary not so keen in establishing their own institutions but laboring in partnership with the existing diocesan Institutions, in line with their rule of life.

• I would like them to live in rented homes in the parishes or mission or in the vados and give services to people in the name of the Lord and stay there as long their services are needed and to move on to another work place in the parish or mission or vado to further the work of the church and of Jesus Christ.


At Mount Rosary itself we have four houses:

The First House is the MOTHER HOUSE, where 18 sisters live to serve in the T.B. Sanatorium ward, senior citizen house, home for the destitute, to work in the animal husbandry programme and agriculture programme and the kitchen.

• The Second House is Arpana Convent, where three sisters live to take care of the candidates, and students doing their studies in the High School and Pre-University classes.

• The Third House is St. John’s Convent , where three sisters live to take care of the training of the postulants, before they become Novices.

• The Fourth House is Nirmala Convent, where four sisters live along with the Novices, who are trained to be future sisters as Helpers of Mount Rosary.

• The Fifth House is at Alangar, by name Christ-Rai Convent, where four sisters live, taking care of Mount Rosary Hospital, where we have not only out-patient facility as well laboratory facilities for investigations, X-Ray department, Medical Stores and also a small operation theatre for minor cases of surgery.

We have a house at Nellikar, by the name of St.Victor’s Convent, where four sisters are working in the Nellikar mission and also in the surrounding villages among the poorest, of all communities, in village uplift programme and encouraging the education programme of children and school drop-outs. 

Then there is a convent of Immaculate Heart of Mary, at Nakre near Karkala, where 4 Sisters are engaged in pastoral work, social work and medical dispensary work. This year Christ the King Convent was opened at Manela, near Punacha village to do pastoral work , social and agriculture work as well 

In Mangalore……………………………..

Four of our sisters are at Seva Nilaya , Jeppu, Mangalore. They take care of pastoral activities of Milagres church in the Jeppu area. Besides, the sisters do college education .

Another four sisters serve at Fr.Muller’s Hospital, Kankanady, Mangalore and serve in the sick peoples wards, Rehabilitation center and in the dietary department.

Out of the District

Finally, we have a convent in Bangalore, by name St. John’s Convent, with five sisters working in different health services at St. John’s Medical College and Hospital.

Currently (2011) we are 57 sisters, who have done their commitment and 20 trainees and 15 students preparing to be future sisters.


The Helpers of Mount Rosary serve the community through the following activities:

CATECHESIS AND FAITH FORMATION AND HUMAN VALUE EDUCATION: We help to strengthen the faith life of people in the parishes through teaching of Christian doctrine, preparing and assisting in the proper conducting of the Eucharistic and liturgical services in the parish communities, training and giving guidance, as well as participating in Small Christian Community activities and proclaiming Jesus values through group meetings, where people of all denominations come together.

• NON-FORMAL EDUCATION : The Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary, have not chosen the apostolate of formal education. That is because there are many other congregations doing such work. However, our sisters do supportive work for children’s education, by running homes for children, or by taking care of the education of school drop-outs; we also have non-formal education programmes, where we gather groups of village men and women and arrange educational programmes, which are immediately relevant or useful to their economic growth, or health or value based life. Therefore, we organize courses in agriculture and animal husbandry, we also have training programmes in the prevention of diseases and health promotion. Our Founder is very particular that we, Helpers of Mount Rosary, should not get engaged in formal education , because then a sister will be occupied with school work for more than eight hours a day and she will have no time for the apostolate of the poor and the needy in the villages. Of course, we sisters, because of this approach, are devoid of a regular salary or income for our livelihood. To work among the village people is important , which very few sisters do in our villages and the Founder says, for our livelihood we depend on the Providence of God and the charity of people of goodwill. It will not be wanting, he says.

FAMILY ENRICHMENT AND MORAL GUIDANCE : We visit village families of all communities to offer support, encouragement and advise them on various issues, also taking special note of the aged, lonely and disabled and awakening in the family members the responsibilities of taking care of them. This work is done at Mount Rosary Institution also for the aged and lonely, who have no one to take care of them.

• VILLAGE UPLIFTMENT: To have concern and love for the poorest in the villages who are agricultural labourers or marginal farmers, with various activities of agricultural and animal husbandry and health, and also to promote among them the concept of saving through credit unions.

• COLLABORATING WITH DIOCESAN WORKS OF CHARITY : To work in collaboration with diocesan institutions similar to Mount Rosary and witness charity works of our Lord Jesus Christ.

COMMUNITY INTEGRATION OF THE SISTERS: Instead of establishing big convent buildings, we reside in convents which are similar in structure to village homes where the sisters are working with the people; we are even prepared to live in rented homes, when the mission of the sisters is not permanent but time-bound.
All the above activities are possible when the Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary strive daily to be a little more like Christ, through the reflection of daily Word of God and get strengthened to live the word through participation and receiving of the Eucharist.



A few situations you will find our sisters in.  Read More


We have a special prayer to invoke the Lord’s blessings on the daily life of the Sisters and for vocations. It is recited every morning, before the morning prayers and Office of the Church.


Lord Jesus, we praise You for your goodness and love. Through Mother Mary Queen of the Rosary , You have given us the gift of the Congregation of Sisters, Helpers of Mount Rosary, in which we have been called to be the members. We thank You for this gift. Pour in us You Spirit, that we may teach the Gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, set at liberty those who are oppressed. We thank you for the gift of this day, in which we beg of your grace to strengthen ourselves in the virtue of poverty, chastity and obedience. With the resource of these virtues, and the strength of its practice, make us your instruments of services at Mount Rosary and in all the places and villages we work. Guide our Founder, Our Superior General , and her council and all the sisters in all their plans for the Church’s work and for people’s work. We pray for our departed sisters and may they rest in peace.
May our congregation grow steadily in number, but much more in fervour for the glory of God, now and forever.
Amen .


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